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Spuds, tatties, taters, whatever you call them, potatoes are a versatile favorite and were the first vegetable grown in space. Enjoy fresh Del Monte® russet potatoes peeled or with the skin on, boiled, fried or mashed, scalloped, diced, or baked and topped with chives and Greek yogurt — they’re incredibly versatile, and with our logo on them, they’re incredibly delicious.

  • Very low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol
  • Very good source of vitamin C, B6, iron, potassium, copper and manganese
  • Good source of dietary fiber

Country of Origin

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how to Select

Potatoes should be firm, well shaped and relatively smooth. They should not be sprouting or have green coloration

how to pRepaRe

Potato skins are edible, so the potato can be prepared with or without the skins. Before cooking, scrub potatoes under cold running water to remove any soil

how to StoRe

Place potatoes in a brown paper, burlap or plastic bag with holes in it. Store in a cool, dark, dry place; a root cellar, if you have one, is the best option; don't store potatoes in the refrigerator, or they will become too sweet (potatoes sprout as a result of exposure to light or warm temperatures). Store potatoes no longer than two months if mature; if they are new, store no longer than one week.